This story was originally published in National Oil and Lube News, March 26, 2020.
With the coronavirus pandemic underway, many shop owners are wondering how to keep business afloat. While some of us have the luxury of working from home (like all of us at NOLN), shop owners don’t have that choice. So, how can shop owners get through this difficult time and keep business going?
Shop owner Bill Floyd of Lucas Oil Center talks with our staff writer, Abby Patterson, on how shops can stay proactive and promote the business, staff, and customers through this time.
Click Here to listen to the podcast on the NOLN website.

National Oil and Lube News is the leading progressive media brand exclusively serving oil change and quick automotive maintenance shop owners and operators through examining in-depth real world challenges, successes and solutions from the industry. It provides our readers and users the inspiration, tools and motivation to help them succeed in the auto care center industry.