

PMA 2021 Outlook

We are excited about the coming year and all the opportunities it offers to help you improve and streamline your business. We want to be a part of that endeavor. As a cloud-based POS, we are updating and offering new features so that you will have the best possible system to help your business run smoothly and efficiently.

This year we are placing a priority on hosting webinars for our clients that will explain all the features within PM Attendant. Over the last few years, major improvements have been made within the navigation. The goal is for our customers to be aware of the all the features available and how to incorporate them into your business. If you are not able to watch the webinar live, you will be able to view it on the help page inside your software. We will also send out a link after it airs to make it easy to find. We want to give you the best product to help you run your business at a high level.

Make sure you check your inbox for registration emails.

If you are not currently a customer and would like to find out more, contact us for a demo to find out how we can support you.

(866) 341-7449

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